
History, Philosphy & Economy

Hello! My name is Angie, and I want to be YOUR photographer!

Photography is my passion. My material source of relaxation, inner peace and happiness, my sense of contribution, all I think about and everything that I want to do. When I look at the world around me I don't just view it with a "blind eye" I see it in frames, artistic compositions and want to share that with everyone I encounter.

I have always enjoyed photography, but I did not realize the role it would play in my life until I signed up for an Intro to Photography class during my second year of college as a "filler course" to round out my credit load. Halfway through the semester, my major was changed and I was spending more time in the art building and darkroom than I was at home! Now, what seems like a lifetime later, I am devoting my life to this "filler", chasing the dream and following the proverbial advice of "DO WHAT YOU LOVE".


LIFE IN MOVEMENT is an underlying theme in nearly all my work. Studio shots are great, but wouldn't it be even better to have a photo actually IN a field of wildflowers instead of being Photoshopped in front of one? Or, say you're an ice-skater, skateboarder, singer, dancer, top chef, roller derby star- anyone can stand in front of a backdrop holding a prop, but no one can do what you do like YOU, and you deserve your awesomeness to be documented!

VISUAL NOSTALGIA refers to and ties in with LIFE IN MOVEMENT, but also adds that special, more memorable touch to the photographs of the special events, days and moments of your life. Whether it is your wedding day, a day at the park with your family, your band's first show, a birthday party or the moment the first nail is pounded into the walls of your new home- it is a moment to be remember, share and cherish, and I want to showcase it for you to treasure for years to come.

ABSTRACT PORTRAITURE is my way of ensuring that your photos will not only accurately display the uniqueness that is you, but that you can be guaranteed that your photos will be exactly that-YOURS.


My ultimate goal when working with a client in any given situation is to not only produce a wonderfully composed image, but for that image to really express who YOU are by working with you in a real, on location setting, shining as the amazing human being that you are.


Due to the specificity of each photo shoot-its content, location and other factors- I do not offer a set price list, but do guarantee that all of my rates are pocket-book friendly.

I understand that times can be tough, especially in the current economic struggle that no one seems to be exempt from. Often in a situation such as this, people are encouraged and often required to cut back on the "extras" in life. Excellent photography of your life and loved ones should NOT be something you have to sacrifice to save a few bucks, and by letting me be your personal photographer, you won't have to.


Support Your Local Skatepark!

Yesterday was an AWESOME day!
The Ribbon Cutting Ceremony was held at my city's new/improved SKATEPARK!
This may not seem like that big of a deal to some of you, but in a town dominated recreationally by canoeing and fishing, it's a big deal. Trust.

I have always been a fan of skateboarding, even though I am far too accident prone to do it myself,
so it is really cool to see something like this being made available to the youth in my area!

(and it's nice to have somewhere new to shoot ;) ) 

Though I was not there in an "official" capacity as the photog for the event, I had a great time and got some even better shots! I also made some great connections and got invited back to shoot at "The Big Event" on May 28th!!!

I can't say enough how stoked I am about all of this. What I can say though is that I am SO happy that I am doing what I love everyday, and getting to showcase what other people love to do within that!