
Preparing For Take-off

In the beginning, she created  blog. She hoped it would be a good blog, and that others would read it. 
The blog will be a launch pad and information center for everything related to her photography, as well as whatever she feels like sharing with the rest of the interwebz ;)

She, is me.

Angie Ellis
I'm sick of working for other people, doing jobs that I detest and being underpaid. 
Aren't we all?

Photography is my passion. My love. My material source of joy, happiness and relaxation.
It is all I want to do, so I'm doing it.
The spare room is getting turned into my office,  business cards and flyers are being designed. My blog got a makeover, and when I'm done here the official AEphoto Facebook will be set up and launched! 
(I'll get that link added to the blog as soon as I have it.)
There's A LOT going on right now, and that is why this blog is happening; I have GOT to stay motivated, and committing to blogging about it just might help.
So here I go, wish me luck!
"Success is hard, failure is easy"

--Joe Farace

1 comment:

  1. The FB link has been added in the header bar, stop by and LIKE ME!!
